
What Do we use


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Laravel is a free PHP general-purpose open source framework, which was born relatively recently - in 2011, but thanks to the rapid development and huge army of fans, today it is one of the most popular PHP engines, which can save you from spaghetti code. It is a universal tool for creating web apps and systems.


Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. Slim is an ideal tool to create APIs that consume, repurpose, or publish data. Slim is also a great tool for rapid prototyping. Heck, you can even build full-featured web applications with user interfaces. More importantly, Slim is super fast and has very little code

.NET Core.

NET Core is an open-source, next-gen .NET framework by Microsoft which supports application that needs to run on multiple OS platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS). NET Core proves to be a compatible choice for server-based applications when there is cross-platform app requirements, when there are high-performance and scalable systems, and involvement of Docker containers, microservices etc.

Vue js.

Vuejs is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.


AngularJs is a structural framework, meant for building dynamic web pages. Introduced by Google in 2012, this javascript framework for front-end development is great for building Single Page Applications (SPAs). AngularJS brings in the benefit of client-side server validation, deep linking, DOM manipulation etc.


React Native is a JS-framework for creating natively displayed iOS and Android apps. It is based on the JS React library, developed by Facebook, and intended to create user interfaces. Web developers can use React Native to write clean, fast mobile apps, without leaving the comfort zone of the usual framework and a single JavaScript code base.

Nodejs and Expressjs.

Nodejs, the javascript runtime framework built on Chrome V8 engine leads the list. It’s asynchronous, event-driven and based on non-blocking I/O model, which makes it the right fit competent to handle multiple, concurrent events at a point and also for applications that are data intensive and render output to the users in real time. Applications built with Nodejs uses less RAM and execute operations faster.


Cross platform native apps are the future of mobile app development, and Xamarin is one of them. Xamarin offers an edge over the proprietary and hybrid development models as it allows developing full-fledged mobile apps using single language, i.e. C#. Moreover, Xamarin offers a class library and runtime environment, which is similar to rest of the development platforms (iPhone, Android, and Windows).


Apache Cordova (formly Phonegap) is a hybrid app development framework that uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript for building mobile apps. The application developed is neither native because the layout rendering is done through web views, instead of native platform UI framework. With Cordova hybrid app development is possible, which saves time, effort, and cost with code sharing for multiple platforms.


Though we're engineers, we embrace the power of design and believe design & engineering work better together.



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