McDarsene K Mwale

UI/UX Designing

The interface of your applications is equally important as it's functionality. The usability of applications can be determined by the quality user goals are being achieved. The satisfaction they get from using the application. Performance of your application interms of speed, effectiveness, security, functionality and efficiency.
To make sure sure applications achieve these goals is what mcdarsene live for...

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Software Engineer

Have your ever wonder why some girls are often asked out by a lot of guys 🤔.
"The answer is simple because it boils down to (B3) how they look; the clothes they put on, how often they take a bath, the perfume they use, how they talk and sometimes how they behave. Imagine that being your system or application and the boys becomingg the customers, companies or billionaires visiting and using your application after magical hands have worked on them."

Ethical Hacker

The security of your system, websites and application is my outer most concern. because as they as say you may not say you are secure on the internet because someone somewhere is spending his/her entire hacking your network, system, phone and most important of all your finacial and customer data. As far as you are using the internet, you are a victim.

Project Manager

A project is a big thing which involves several tasks and decisions, in order to have great outcome and success at the end.
Have your ever wondered why when you go to an interview and upon submission of your resume's managers spend diffirent time frames looking at different resumes. Do you mean other resumes are meaningless ? Just looking at your resume they can decide whether to keep reading or not ? Depending on that they see first and if it grabbed their attention or not.

Our Services

We provide a wide range of creative services

Web development.

A digital agency isn't here to replace your internal team, we're here to partner

Interface Design.

A digital agency isn't here to replace your internal team, we're here to partner

Business Consulting.

A digital agency isn't here to replace your internal team, we're here to partner


A digital agency isn't here to replace your internal team, we're here to partner

App development.

A digital agency isn't here to replace your internal team, we're here to partner

Content creation.

A digital agency isn't here to replace your internal team, we're here to partner


Though we're engineers, we embrace the power of design and believe design & engineering work better together.



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